
The Escuela Normal Oficial de Irapuato (ENOI) emerged in 1951 and has distinguished itself as a higherlevel Institution dedicated to the training of professionals in preschool, primary, and inclusion education, through the proper operation of its plans and current programs. Nowadays, technology has allowed people to communicate or transmit information through the internet. Despite that, there are still institutions that do not have these technologies, as was the case of ENOI which lacked an official page website with its domain. The lack of an official site meant that the public did not have easy access to information related to the institution. The objective of this project was to facilitate the administration and display of the information presented on their page through a system that allows them to update it without the need to know any programming language, as well as to give the page its own identity. of the institution, set up the website on its own server with its unique domain, and develop different profiles or roles for information management. With this, it was possible to give the ENOI a place where it can share relevant information and serve as a main page where you can enter other sites of interest for people related to the institution. of the institution and spread false information.

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