
This study examined the phenomenon of school from the point of view of teachers, students and parents, and the question as to who wants what and who can do what and it was tried to make decisions about school safety and to determine strategies with opinions of stakeholders. The design of the study, which was designed according to the qualitative research model and which aims to examine the phenomenon of school safety in depth by benefiting from the views, experiences and perceptions of the school stakeholders, is phenomenology. The stakeholders of primary and secondary schools in Sivas city centre during the 2018-2019 school year were included in the study group. The participants of the study consist of 50 teachers, 48 students and 50 parents. As a result of the interviews conducted through semi-structured interview form, it is seen that teachers, students and parents address the phenomenon of safe school under the categories of "Psycho-social", "Administrative", "Physical", "External Factors" and "Employee Characteristics" and express their expectations from National education, school management, teachers, parents and students in physical, educational, administrative, disciplinary, legislative aspects and the aspects of courtesy, financial support, responsibilities, personnel and media.

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