
Agriculture and livestock farming are activities that depend on energy consumption. Photovoltaic self-consumption systems can reduce the production costs of these actors, especially in periods of high-energy price volatility. This work aimed to determine the degree of implementation of photovoltaic self-consumption systems, their relationship with the economic impact of the energy crisis, and the perception of producers to use renewable energy sources in the Spanish agricultural system as it is one of the most important at European level. For this purpose, a survey of the Spanish agricultural and livestock system, involving 396 primary producers, was carried out between December 2022 and March 2023. The results suggest that self-consumption systems are in place in 49.1% of all farms and that these have had a positive effect in alleviating the rising energy costs suffered by the Spanish primary sector. In summary, Spanish primary producers generally have a favorable perception of the use of renewable energies on their farms, especially photovoltaic. However, the cluster analysis shows the fact that there are two types of producers, active and passive, from an environmental point of view. The characterization of this type of producers can help the Spanish Administration to improve the efficiency of its energy strategy, and can be a source of inspiration for the governments of other countries.

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