
The research aims to analyze the difference of learning points by using the cooperative learning models between Think Pair Share (TPS) and Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) types of the XI-grade students of IPS SMAN 11 Padang. It is an experimental research. The population of this research is all XI-grade students of IPS SMAN 11 Padang, who were registered in the year 2013-2014. Two samples were selected by using the technique of Purposive Sampling method. The data of this research is primary data, and the data analyses are descriptive and inductive, conducted through t-test by first making tests of normality and homogeneity of both sample variants. Based on the data analyses, it is obtained that the learning points for the experimental class 1 is 76.80 and the experimental class 2 is 65.64 on the average, meaning that Sig 0.018 is smaller than α = 0.05. From the hypothesis tests, tcalc.is 2.444 and ttable is 1.67, so that H0 is rejected, meaning that there is the difference between TPS and STAD. From the results, it is expected that this could provide a solution for the problem of lowering learning points especially in economics subject. Finally, for improving the learning points of economical students, it is suggested for teachers to consider the learning models from Think Pair Share TPS and STAD.


  • The research aims to analyze the difference of learning points by using the cooperative learning models

  • who were registered in the year 2013-2014

  • Two samples were selected by using the technique of Purposive Sampling method

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Hasil Belajar Ekonomi

Hamalik (2008), Hasil belajar adalah kemampuan yang dapat dimiliki siswa selama proses pembelajaran dimana siswa dikatakan berhasil apabila siswa tersebut dapat mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang telah ditetapkan. Hasil belajar ekonomi diukur dengan jumlah nilai yang diperoleh oleh siswa pada akhir pembelajaran. Nilai tersebut dalam bentuk angka dan nilai yang diperoleh dari tes setelah eksperimen

Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe
Eksperimen 2
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