
The purposes of the research is to obtain effect the using of STAD cooperative learning method and T-P-S toward student achievement from scientific attitude. The research used experiment method. The result of the data analysis based on 5 % level signification were found that: 1) Fcount = 9,2289 in effect of learning method toward students achievement, Fcount = 8,7450 in effect of scientific attitude toward students achievement, Fcount = 4,5246 in interaction between method and scientific attitude for cognitive aspect data while Ftabel = 3,97, 2) Fcount = 5,4759 in effect of learning method toward students achievement, Fcount = 29,9671 in effect of scientific attitude toward students achievement, Fcount = 5,2476 in interaction between method and scientific attitude for afective aspect data while Ftabel = 3,97. The conclusion of this research are : 1) student achievement that using cooperative learning type STAD is better than T-P-S type both of cognitive and affective aspect, 2) the students who have high science attitude get student achievement better than the students who have low science attitude both of cognitive and affective aspect, 3) learning method STAD and T-P-S have different effect toward student achievement to student groups who have different science attitude.Keywords : Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD), Think Pair Share (T-P-S), Scientific attitude.


  • The purposes of the research is to obtain effect the using of Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) cooperative learning method and T-P-S toward student achievement from scientific attitude

  • The result of the data analysis based on 5 % level signification were found that: 1) Fcount = 9,2289 in effect of learning method toward students achievement, Fcount = 8,7450 in effect of scientific attitude toward students achievement, Fcount = 4,5246 in interaction between method and scientific attitude for cognitive aspect data while Ftabel = 3,97, 2)

  • The conclusion of this research are : 1) student achievement that using cooperative learning type STAD is better than T-P-S type both of cognitive and affective aspect, 2) the students who have high science attitude get student achievement better than the students who have low science attitude both of cognitive and affective aspect, 3) learning method STAD and T-P-S have different effect toward student achievement to student groups who have different science attitude

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Usaha untuk meningkatkan kualitas

SDM dilakukan melalui pembelajaran dalam suatu lembaga pendidikan. Peran pendidikan sangat penting untuk menciptakan kehidupan yang cerdas, damai, terbuka dan demokratis. Dalam mengajar dan mendidik dikenal dengan adanya pendekatan dan metode. Pendekatan yang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran bukan saja harus sesuai dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi tapi juga sesuai dengan perkembangan psikologi pebelajar. Para pembelajar memfokuskan diri pada upaya penuangan pengetahuan ke dalam kepala pebelajar tanpa memperhatikan bahwa pebelajar memasuki kelas dengan bekal kemampuan pengetahuan dan motivasi yang tidak sama. Suatu realita sehari-hari saat kegiatan belajar mengajar berlangsung nampak beberapa pebelajar atau sebagian pebelajar belum belajar sewaktu pembelajar mengajar di kelas. Pembelajar bertanggung jawab untuk menciptakan situasi yang mendorong prakarsa, motivasi dan tanggung jawab pebelajar untuk belajar sepanjang hayat. Aktivitas pebelajar sangat diperlukan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar sebagai subyek didik. Aktivitas pebelajar ini antara lain aktivitas visual (membaca, melakukan eksperimen), aktivitas oral (bercerita, tanya jawab, diskusi), aktivitas mendengarkan (mendengarkan penjelasan pembelajar, ceramah, pengarahan)

Standar kelulusan di Akademi
Tahun akademik
Konstruktivisme lahir dari gagasan
Robert Slavin di universitas John
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Akademi Analis Kesehatan Nasional
Prosentase Prosentase
Interval Frekuensi Prosentase
Analisis Variansi Dua Jalan Sel Tak
Pembelajaran kooperatif tipe
Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD
Learning di
Regional Language Centre
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