
Career aspiration is an important for students, because needs to be done first when choosing one career is to have career aspiration. The fact in the field signified that the students do not have a career goal in the future. This is an indication that the students career aspiration are in the low category. The aim of this research was to: (1) describe students career aspiration is sighted of sex, majors, and parents educational level, (2) examined differences in students career aspiration of male and female, (3) examined differences in career aspiration of students majoring in science and social studies, (4) examined differences in students career aspiration is sighted of parents educational level, and (5) examined differences in students career aspiration is sighted of interaction of sex, majors, and parents educational level. The research methods applied in this research was ex post facto with factorial design 2 x 3 x 2. The population this research was consisted of 837 students in SMAN 7 Padang. The number of samples as much as 270 students were selected by propotional random sampling technique. The instrument of the research was career aspiration scale with reliability 0.885. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The result of the research indicated that: (1) In general, career aspiration of students is sighted of sex, majors, and parents educational level were in high category, (2) there is no significant differences between career aspiration of male and female students, (3) there is no significant difference between career aspiration of students majoring in science and social studies, (4) there was a significant difference between career aspiration of students having parents educational level of high, medium, and low, (5) there is no significant differences in students career aspiration is sighted of interaction of sex, majors, and parents educational level.


  • Kesuksesan individu dalam karier tidak terlepas dari pendidikan

  • The result of the research indicated that: (1) In general, career aspiration of students is sighted of sex, majors, and parents educational level were in high category, (2) there is no significant differences between career aspiration of male and female students, (3) there is no significant difference between career aspiration of students majoring in science and social studies, (4) there was a significant difference between career aspiration of students having parents educational level of high, medium, and low, (5) there is no significant differences in students career aspiration is sighted of interaction of sex, majors, and parents educational level

  • Upaya yang dapat dilakukan guru BK/Konselor adalah mengarahkan siswa untuk mencapai karier yang diinginkannya, dengan cara menyusun program bimbingan karier dan memberikan berbagai layanan BK, karena meskipun tingkat aspirasi karier siswa telah berada pada kategori tinggi, belum menjamin bahwa mereka telah mengetahui berbagai hal yang mereka perlukan untuk mencapai karier yang diinginkan

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Deskripsi Data Aspirasi Karier Siswa

Deskripsi data aspirasi karier siswa ditinjau dari jenis kelamin, jurusan, tingkat pendidikan orangtua. Tabel 1 memperlihatkan bahwa aspirasi karier siswa ditinjau dari jenis kelamin, jurusan, dan tingkat pendidikan orangtua berada pada kategori tinggi (T). Rata-rata (mean) aspirasi karier yang paling tinggi adalah siswa perempuan jurusan IPS dengan tingkat pendidikan orangtua tinggi sebesar 154.36. Uji persyaratan analisis yang dilakukan pada data penelitian ini adalah uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas data. Sig. aspirasi karier siswa ditinjau dari jenis kelamin, jurusan, dan tingkat pendidikan orangtua besar dari α 0.05, maka data dikatakan normal dan layak untuk diuji dengan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Nilai P-value ketiga kelompok sampel lebih besar dari taraf signifikansi 0.05, maka sesuai dengan kriteria pengujian pada uji Bartlett dapat disimpulkan bahwa ketiga kelompok sampel mempunyai varians yang sama atau homogen

Hipotesis Variabel Jenis Kelamin
Hipotesis Variabel Tingkat Pendidikan Orangtua
Perbedaan Aspirasi Karier Siswa Ditinjau dari Jenis Kelamin
Perbedaan Aspirasi Karier Siswa Ditinjau dari Jurusan IPA dan IPS
Perbedaan Aspirasi Karier Siswa Ditinjau dari Tingkat Pendidikan Orangtua
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