
The main problem in writing this thesis is what form the responsibility of the nagari government towards Tanah Datar Regent Regulation Number 5 of 2016 concerning Nagari-Owned Enterprises (BUMNag) in Nagari III Koto, and what is the view of the siyasah dusturiyah towards the form of responsibility of the nagari government towards land regent regulations Flat number 5 of 2016 concerning Nagari-owned enterprises (BUMNag) in Nagari III Koto. The purpose of this study is to find out and explain how the responsibilities of the nagari government are in carrying out and explaining the Tanah Datar Regent Regulation Number 5 of 2016 concerning Nagari-Owned Enterprises (BUMNag) so that they can prosper the community in Nagari III Koto, and explain how siyasa dusturiyah views responsibilities the responsibility of the nagari government in implementing Tanah Datar Regent Regulation Number 5 of 2016 concerning Nagari-Owned Enterprises (BUMNag). This type of research is field research (Field Research) with a library research approach (Library Research), the research instrument that the author uses is a list of questions, stationery and handpone. As well as the data collection technique that the author uses is by way of direct interviews with the government of Nagari III Koto. From the results of the research that the author has carried out, the form of responsibility of the nagari government towards Tanah Datar Regent Regulation Number 5 of 2016 concerning BUMNag in Nagari III Koto is to issue a BUMNag Decree with the name BUMNag Tigo Sarumpun III Koto and the Nagari Government conduct socialization to the public regarding BUMNag and the Government Nagari directly oversees from the disbursement of funds to the calculation of profits and losses. Whereas in the study of siyasa dusturiyah fiqh, the responsibility of the leader in ensuring the economic life of the community is in accordance with Islamic law, but has not yet reached the benefit of the people

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