
The impact of Covid-19 on the growth of the tourism sector is considered to be hampered by several factors. To overcome this challenge, there are several things that can be done, for example developing quality and innovative tourism destinations. Another thing that can be done is utilizing the role of technology and infrastructure. The sustainable tourism trend is believed to be a tourism trend in Indonesia in the future. This research was conducted in West Java as the province with the most destinations in Indonesia. This research formulates a sustainable tourism business strategy by analyzing internal and external factors, as well as the Triple Layer Business Model Canvas. The object studied was the Ir. Forest Park. H. Djuanda (Tahura Djuanda) who is in Bandung City. The results of this research are that the Tahura Djuanda tourist attraction is able to use its strengths and deal with internal weaknesses. Then Tahura Djuanda was also able to take advantage of external opportunities and threats. The results of the TLBMC analysis of economic aspects can be used by Tahura Djuanda to strengthen the value proposition offered. TLBMC environmental aspects can be developed by Tahura Djuanda through the development of functional values. Furthermore, the TLBMC results from Tahura Djuanda's social aspects can optimize her role in social culture.

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