
Zaloukh apparel is a business company in the fashion sector that was established in 2020. In the fashion business, clothing is not only limited to necessities, but clothing is also a medium to show image and character in the form of fashion. One of them is t-shirts. Currently, the tendency of people to buy a product is to get merchandise offered from certain brands. Merchandise is a type of knick-knacks that are often encountered by the public as a means or media to advertise or promote a company. Merchandise made in the form of everyday items that are usually used by the owner, such as t-shirts, tote bags, mugs, key chains, tumblers and stickers. In designing merchandise, you need an illustration design to attract consumers' interest in buying the merchandise. Illustrations play a role in building the meaning of a piece of writing with pictures that function as decorations or variations of the message or information to be conveyed, so that the product looks more attractive. In designing illustrations for merchandise, the theme of Balinese cultural traditions is the Leko dance. Leko dance is an entertainment dance that experienced rapid development in 1919. Leko dance culture can become a tourist attraction in Bali. But there is a lack of media that can become new and applicable media that are often encountered by the local community. Therefore, by using merchandise, information about Leko dance culture can be conveyed properly and become a cultural promotion medium that can create curiosity and enthusiasm for Balinese culture when people or tourists visit Bali. The public and tourists can buy the merchandise as a reminder or memento from Bali.

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