
Public service advertisement is a message that offers a product or service addressed to the public through a media to increase the sensitivity of the community to the concern of sea turtles in this area whose habitat is very worrying about the activities that have been carried out by the mapak turtle sea turtle, fisheries and marine services in efforts to introduce and protect these turtles so that their habitats continue to be maintained properly by doing this design in order to attract the attention of the Lombok community and tourists. With the development of media technology is very large in Indonesia and outside Indonesia with the promotion of media as well as providing education to participate in developing. This certainly makes a change in the way to advertise the increase in the community of chilli turtles who are very concerned about the habitat of many Lombok people who are less informed or don't know. With the existence of this design as one of the results of developments that have become part of the lives of global society, the global community has exchanged information to raise the level of their knowledge. The design of this public service advertisement as one of the solutions to promote the breeding of sea turtles in Lombok and inform the public to start caring about sea turtles whose habitat is in Lombok is designed to use through this documentary film will greatly explain the things that happen to the sea turtles in Lombok assisted by the fisheries and maritime agency to provide data and participate as an activity that is about protecting sea turtles and marine biota in Lombok.


  • ABSRACT Public service advertisement is a message that offers a product or service addressed to the public through a media to increase the sensitivity of the community to the concern of sea turtles in this area whose habitat is very worrying about the activities that have been carried out by the mapak turtle sea turtle, fisheries and marine services in efforts to introduce and protect these turtles so that their habitats continue to be maintained properly by doing this design in order to attract the attention of the Lombok community and tourists

  • With the development of media technology is very large in Indonesia and outside Indonesia with the promotion of media as well as providing education to participate in developing

  • This certainly makes a change in the way to advertise the increase in the community of chilli turtles who are very concerned about the habitat of many Lombok people who are less informed or don't know

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Penyu merupakan binatang kura- kura laut yang biasa ditemukan di samudra di dunia. Menurut data para ilmuwan, penyu sudah ada sejak awal zaman sekitar 145-208 juta tahun yang lalu atau mereka seusia dinosaurus. Lombok menyimpan banyak keindahan alam darat maupun laut dan memiliki budaya dan satwa yang indah dan langkah banyak eksploitasi marak,populasi penyu dilombok yang sangat teracam pelindungannya dinas kelautan nusa tenggara barat mencatat tingkat populasi penyu saat ini semakin turun mengawatirkan sejak dua tahun terahir (2016 - 2017).Dimana tingkat pencurian penyu maupun telur semakin banyak terjadi karena sifat penyu sangat menguntungka n dan sangat langkah juga dicari oleh itu para industri illegal ini mencari kesempatan dimana disaat penyu akan melakukan proses melahirkan telur di persisir pantai tanpa jagaan maupun pengatahuan bahwa penyu ini sangat di pelindungkan oleh perikanan dan terancam habitatnya. Untuk menyampaikan pesan atau informasi kepada target audiens tentang Bagaimana merancang iklan layanan masyarakat menyadarkan dan memberikan informasi bahwa penyu dilombok harus dilindungi pelastariannya

Film Dokumenter
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