Water is one of the natural resources that is very useful for every living thing. Water demand of human will increase in accordance with technological developments that occur in the community, with an effective and efficient regulatory and processing system using plumbing systems. The clean water distribution system in an academic building can work if it is supported by a system of clean water storage that is in accordance with the needs and supported by a pump installation system and piping installation. In the selection of water storage capacity, the selection of pumps and piping systems must be adjusted to the needs of the academic building, it is important to understand the capacity, pipe diameter and installation head. From the calculation results obtained a flow capacity of 1.56 m³/minute with a water tank capacity of 84 m³/day in 8 hours of operational time in one day. A roof water tank capacity of 15 m³ that is able to serve the peak needs of clean water for 30 minutes. While the total head of the installation is 30 meters, so that the selected type of centrifugal pump with a rotation of 3000 rpm, frequency 50 Hz, motor power 15 KW.
of the natural resources that is very useful for every living thing
Water demand of human will increase in accordance with technological developments
that occur in the community
Cecep Deni Mulyadi, Muhammad Ubay Caraka2* 1, 2Program Studi Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sangga Buana YPKP Bandung. Salah satunnya di terapkan pengunaan air pada gedung dengan cara sistem pepipaan. Dengan adanya kebutuhan tersebut perlu ada nya perhitungan akan kebutuhan air bersih dan pengelolaan air pada gedung tersebut sehingga sistem efektif dan efisien dengan menggunakan sistem plambing. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian perpipaan gedung ini yaitu menghitung dari berbagai sisi seperti pemilihan kapasitas penampungan air bersih, pemilihan pompa dan sistem perpipaannya harus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan di gedung akademik, penting untuk dimengerti besar kapasitas, diameter pipa dan head instalasi. Dari hasil perhitungan didapatkan kapasitas aliran sebesar 1,56 m3/menit, dengan kapasitas tangki air bawah sebesar 84 m3/hari dalam waktu operasional selama 8 jam dalam satu hari. Kapasitas tangki air atap sebesar 15 m3 yang sanggup melayani beban kebutuhan puncak penggunaan air bersih selama 30 menit.
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