
<p>Granting an independent midwife, is part of the vision phrase that will be realized by the Academy of<br />Midwifery (AKBID) Delima Persada Gresik. To realize that vision of the AKBID Delima Persada<br />Gresik, is obliged to give knowledge to students as learners to have entrepreneur spirit. As the effect<br />the enactment of the Regulation of the Midwife Professional Organization, the Ikatan Bidan Indonesia<br />(IBI), that to establish an Independent Midwife Practice Clinik / Klinik Bidan Praktek Mandiri<br />(BPM), must have an internship certificate for 2 (two) years. it is considered burdensome for some<br />graduates waiting for 2 (two) years to be able to open the Clinic of Independent Practice Midwife/<br />Klinik Bidan Praktek Mandiri (BPM) therefore are some graduates working out of their skills as<br />midwife , as well as many graduates of Midwife who implements activities gained form Student<br />Activity Unit/Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) of Entrepreneurship to open business independently<br />while applying internship at Senior Midwife. This research as a follow-up research that has been done<br />in the Academy of Midwifery Delima Persada Gresik at 2017. The result of the research that has been<br />done is Student Activity Unit/Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) entreprenurship has been providing<br />knoledge of haw to make porridge as an additional food /Makanan Tambahan (MT) ASI, organic milk<br />porridge for baby and child under five years (Balita), and service product baby massage and baby spa.<br />Knowledge and skill provided Entrepreneurship‟s UKM expected to be a provision to open the<br />opportunity to build an independent business that will accelerate the waiting period to get a job. In<br />this research, the author wan to know whether Entrepreneurship‟s UKM really have a role in<br />accelerating the waiting period of graduates Academy of Midwifery (AKBID) Delima Persada Gresik.<br />Research Method used is qualitative method, and Object of research these are graduates of AKBID<br />Delima Perada Gresik.</p>


  • part of the vision phrase that will be realized by the Academy of Midwifery

  • it is considered burdensome for some graduates waiting for

  • This research as a follow-up research that has been done in the Academy of Midwifery Delima Persada Gresik

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Eka Srirahayu Ariestiningsih

Adalah bagian dari ungkapan visi yang akan diwujudkan oleh Akademi Kebidanan (AKBID) Delima Persada Gresik. Hal ini dianggap memberatkan bagi beberapa lulusan yang menunggu 2 (dua) tahun untuk dapat membuka Klinik Praktek Mandiri Bidan / Klinik Bidan Praktek Mandiri (BPM) karena itu ada beberapa lulusan yang bekerja di luar keterampilan mereka sebagai bidan, serta banyak lulusan Bidan yang melaksanakan kegiatan yang diperoleh dari Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa / Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) Kewirausahaan untuk membuka usaha secara mandiri sambil melamar magang di Bidan Senior. Penelitian ini sebagai penelitian lanjutan yang telah dilakukan di Akademi Kebidanan Delima Persada Gresik pada tahun 2017. Penulis ingin mengetahui apakah UKM Entrepreneurship benar-benar berperan dalam mempercepat masa tunggu lulusan Akademi Kebidanan (AKBID) Delima Persada Gresik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif, dan Objek penelitian ini adalah lulusan AKBID Delima Perada Gresik

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