
The development of Islamic economics is in a position to develop forward to very rapidly (Up to date), this starts with the emergence of several sharia financial institutions that have emerged along with efforts to accelerate economic growth in the community. Among the characteristics of the Islamic economic system is the emergence of demands to put more emphasis on the legal aspects and Islamic business ethics. So that the existing system in the Islamic economy there is an obligation to apply the principles of sharia and Islamic business ethics as well. Philosophically why the principles in Islamic economics must meet several criteria, including the principles of worship (al-tauhid), equality (al-musawat), freedom (al-hurriyat), justice (al-'adl), help- help (al-ta'awun) and tolerance (al-tasamuh). The strategic role of Islamic economics provides a very positive power for accelerating economic development in Indonesia through business partnerships with small and medium businesses. Empowerment of Islamic economics through a business partnership between Islamic financial institutions and small and medium businesses by developing real sector business activities in agriculture, such as agriculture, industry and trade as well as Islamic financial services and institutions, needs to be empowered and carried out to encourage the acceleration of national economic development and efforts to improve the economic welfare of the Indonesian people themselves.


  • Politik Ekonomi Islam relatif masih asing bagi sebagian kalangan umat Islam, bahkan bagi kalangan ekonom Muslim saat ini

  • The development of Islamic economics is in a position to develop

  • this starts with the emergence of several sharia financial institutions

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Abstrak Perkembangan ekonomi Islam sedang dalam posisi berkembang maju menuju sangat pesat (Up to date), hal ini dimulai dengan mulai adanya muncul beberapa lembaga keuangan syari’ah yang berdiri seiring dengan upaya percepatan pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat. Sehingga sistem yang ada pada ekonomi Islam terdapat suatu kewajiban untuk menerapkan prinsip-prinsip syari’ah dan etika bisnis yang Islami pula. Peran strategis ekonomi Islam memberikan daya yang sangat positif bagi percepatan pembangunan ekonomi di Indonesia melalui kemitraan usaha dengan kalangan usaha kecil dan menengah. Pemberdayaan ekonomi Islam melalui sebuah kemitraan usaha antara lembaga keuangan syari’ah dan usaha kecil menengah dengan mengembangkan kegiatan usaha sektor riil dalam bidang pertanian semisal, industry dan perdagangan serta jasa dan lembaga keuangan syari’ah perlu diberdayakan dan dilakukan guna mendorong percepatan pembangunan ekonomi nasional dan usaha untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat Indonesia itu sendiri.

Peran Strategi Politik Islam Terhadap Perekonomian Di Indonesia
PEMBAHASAN HASIL PENELITIAN Peran Strategis Prinsip Politik Ekonomi Islam
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