
This article is focuses on the roke of the Children Development Center (CDac)IO-497 Benyamin Oebufu in his solidarity action to strive for sprituality convalescence of 86 congregations of the Evangelical Christian Church in Timor (GMIT). Benyamin Oebufu was one of many who felt it in person the impact of the Seroja cyclone disaster. Using a qualitative method with data colkection through structured interviews techniques, it was concluded that there were two impacts that affect the spirituallity of the congregation of the victims, material injury of losing homes and psychic traumatized by this event. Seeing the condition faced by the victims, the Church and CDC made immidiate response such as trauma healing camp for children of disaster victim and collaborating with the Indonesian Compassion Foundation (YCI) to build new housing for families whose home were destroyed. These efforts were made as solidarity form as human beings who have an ethical responsibility to care for others who suffering as stated by Rebecca Todd Peters regarding four ethical tasks of solidarity; presenting metanoia (repentence/fundamental change), respecting difference, showing loyalty-accountability and real actions. CDC's roles in the recovery effort reflected God's solidarity through those four tasks.

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