
AbstractThis research is motivated by the lack of understanding of teachers and parents in instilling character values in children, the lack of contributions from parents and teachers in instilling character education in children, the role of parents at home in educating character education for social care is relatively low and the lack of sense of belonging. students' social concern for others in the school environment. The purpose of this study was to describe the role of teachers and parents in developing social care character values in class V G MIN 2 Bengkulu City students and to find out the inhibiting factors in the lack of a sense of social care in children. This research was conducted in MIN 2 Bengkulu City with a qualitative research type. Data collection techniques used in this research are Observation, Interview and Documentation. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be seen that the teacher's role in character education (social care) in class V G MIN 2 Bengkulu City has instilled character values quite well. This can be seen from the change in the character or attitude of students at each meeting of teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Based on the results of data analysis and observation, the teacher's role as a learning manager has created an independent, creative character by giving assignments and providing conducive situations in the classroom to students.Keywords: the role of teachers and parents, the values of social care character education

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