
The background of the research was to determine the efforts made by SMP N 1 Tilatang Kamang to provide pupils with character education. Research have choose to use descriptive qualitative research methodologies when conducting their studies. In this research shows that the role of PAI teachers in forming student character is really needed by students because pf course there are PAI teachers who act as parents of students has a very big role in educating students become honest human being. As for his role as a PAI teacher in formation student characters include: empowerment,exemplary, intervention, integrated,fuse. The strategies used by PAI teachers in formation student characters include: 3S habituation (greetungs, greetings,smiles). Habituation dhuha and noon prayers in congregation,getting used to reading short letters, reading prayers, getting used to being disciplined, getting used to being honest. The cocnclusion of the discuccion in this research explains the meaning of student character formation, the role of PAI theachers in student character formation, teacher strategies used in character formation, supporting and inhibiting factors, as well as solutions to overcome factors inhibiting student character formation at SMP N 1 Tilatang Kamang.

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