
Declining quality and open public spaces, consisting of green open spaces and non-green open spaces, have improved environmental quality such as frequent flooding, increased air, and social crime and increasing social societies increasing the pressure of limited space available for social communities. Green Open Space of Rantau Baru in Rantau City is owned by Tapin Regency located in the center of Rantau City. Having facilities in the form of an artificial lake as a zone that is the main attraction of visitors is equipped with facilities, infrastructure, and urban facilities. The purpose of writing this particular problem is to find out the function and role of the existence of the New Overseas Green Space for the community. This research was written based on literature review and secondary data related to the existence of a new Green Rantau Open Space, both from identification surveys, RTBL, reports, books and other scientific articles. Rantau Baru Green Open Space can provide benefits for the sustainability of ecological and social functions for urban communities. Development of the Rantau Baru Green Open Space as a green open space in urban areas. Many benefits can be felt by the community with the existence of the New Rantau Green Open Space, among others as a place for plant conservation, environmental education, sports and as a recreational destination with family.


  • increasing social societies increasing the pressure of limited space

  • Green Open Space of Rantau Baru in Rantau City is owned by Tapin Regency located in the center

  • Having facilities in the form of an artificial lake as a zone that is the main attraction of visitors is equipped with facilities

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31 Median Jalan Pasar Keraton

Ruang Terbuka Hijau Rantau Baru yang terletak di Kawasan Rantau Baru terdiri atas alun-alun dan danau buatan yang posisi nya menyatu pada satu lokasi di Jalan Bridg H. Yang pengelolaan pemeliharaan nya berada dibawah naungan Bidang Sarana dan Prasarana Umum pada Dinas Perumahan, Kawasan Permukiman dan Pertanahan. RTH utama di Kota Rantau dikarenakan berada pada lokasi yang strategis tepat di jantung Kota Rantau sehingga sering dikunjungi warga setempat maupun warga pendatang yang lewat untuk sekedar beistirahat sebelum melanjutkan perjalanannya. RTH Rantau Baru selalu dikunjungi warga sekitar untuk berolahraga, bercengkrama, berfoto, bersepeda air dan kegiatan menarik lainnya. Pada saat-saat tertentu, RTH Rantau Baru juga sering dijadikan lokasi penyelenggaraan kegiatan-kegiatan resmi yang bersifat umum misalnya pameran lingkungan, pameran seni dan budaya, pertemuan para komunitas hijau dan sebagainya. Dipelihara setiap hari oleh petugas RTH yang memiliki tugas :

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