
The purpose of this study is to describe the responses of various experts regarding the interpretation of Al-Kasyaf by al-Zamakhsyar. Al-Zamakhsyari includes metaphors and imagination in his takwil, such as the vocabulary of Kursy and Arsy are referred to as metaphors and imagination. Al-Zamakhsyari in his commentary has carried out many ta'wil in various forms, such as verses 22-23 of sura al-Qiyamah with the pronunciation of nâzhirah which is interpreted as waiting, because in the view of Mutazilah God's substance cannot be reached with the eye. Various commentary books have been written using various methods, styles and sources of inspiration in the interpretation of the Koran. The tendency of mufassir is strongly influenced by the scientific, social, religious, and even political background that surrounds him. Tafsir is written based on the understanding or tendency in the mufassir's school of thought, so the mufassir describes his understandings in the schools he adheres to such as schools of fiqh, creed, even the spiritual aspects of the mufassir himself. The interpretation written based on madzhab is Al-Kasyaf's interpretation by al-Zamakhsyari. Tafsir written in the style of Mu'tazilah, a rational creed that puts reason as the basis for understanding in interacting with the texts of the Koran. The problem in this study is how the experts respond to the interpretation of Al-Kasyaf by al-Zamakhsyari. The results of this study are in the terminology of 'Ulumul Quran known as aqli interpretation or bi ra'yi interpretation which is essentially an interpretation that discusses the text of the verses of the Koran by exploring its meaning. Many scholars, especially those from the mainstream, criticize this kind of interpretation because of the excessive use of ta'wil because it follows the understanding of a school of thought. Interpretation by bringing Allah's words to the corrupt will of a madhhab is a madzmum form of interpretation. However, al-Kasyaf is still getting enough attention because al-Kasyaf is able to reveal the beauty of the language of the Koran from the way it expresses sentence structure, the beauty of language, and the choice of words.

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