
Salt is a very important commodity in daily life, both for food and industrial needs. Therefore, increasing salt production is very necessary to meet domestic salt needs. One of the most salt producing regions is Madura Island, because almost every district, especially Pamekasan, Lembung, Kec. Galis, the majority of the population work as salt farmers. The purpose of this research is to find out about improving the quality of salt production in Lembung, Kec. Pamekasan Regency, Madura, East Java Province. using Geomembrane Technology. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The sample of this research is a resident who works as a salt farmer in the village of Lembung, Galis Regency, Pamekasan Regency, East Java, this sampling technique uses the Purposive Sampling method, data collection is done through interview session techniques, and documentation. Based on this research, it can be concluded that the increase in the quality of salt production can be done by using geomembrane technology which significantly influences the quality and quantity of production.


  • Salt is a very important commodity in daily life, both for food and industrial needs

  • The sample of this research is a resident who works as a salt farmer in the village of Lembung, Galis Regency, Pamekasan Regency, East Java, this sampling technique uses the Purposive Sampling method, data collection is done through interview session techniques, and documentation

  • It can be concluded that the increase in the quality of salt production can be done by using geomembrane technology which significantly influences the quality and quantity of production

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KAJIAN TEORI Pengertian Garam

Garam merupakan salah satu kebutuhan yang merupakan pelengkap dari kebutuhan pangan dan merupakan sumber elektrolit bagi tubuh manusia. Garam adalah benda padatan berwarna putih berbentuk kristal yang merupakan kumpulan senyawa dengan bagian terbesar NaCl (> 80%) serta senyawa lainnya seperti CaSO4, MgSO4, MgCl2, dan lain-lain (Marihati dan Muryati, 2008). Garam mempunyai sifat/karakteristik higroskopis yang berarti mudah menyerap air dan titik lebur pada tingkat suhu 801°C (www.wikipedia.org). Natrium klorida membentuk kristal pada keadaan kering, tetapi seperti garam lainnya dalam tubuh, mudah dilarutkan dalam air. Jika garam larut dalam air, komponennya terpisah sebagai partikel yang disebut ion. Partikel ion terlarut ini dikenal sebagai elektrolit. Kadar (konsentrasi) setiap elektrolit dalam larutan dari garam terlarut dapat diukur dan biasanya dihitung dalam satuan miliekuivalen dalam setiap volume larutan (mEq/L)

Titik lebur
Kualitas Produk
Geomembrane adalah material dari bahan
Geomembrane pada Meja Garam
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