
 The purpose of carrying out this activity is to increase the awareness of students of SMK N 1 Siatas Barita about the influence of promiscuity for the future. This research was conducted by making observations first then the observation data were collected to carry out seminar planning, then the educational seminar actions. The subject of this seminar is students of SMK Negeri 1 Siatas Barita. This activity is carried out in a day with 3 seminar sessions. Based on the Christian religious education seminar held at SMK Negeri 1 Siatas Barita, the application of the method is indeed able to increase student concentration by capturing the attention of students and thus students are able to see and analyze events that occur, even students are able to create ideas. Regarding the material for the "Say No To Promiscuity" seminar that was staged, this is evident from the interactive dialogue between the students and the moderator. The demonstration method in seminar activities or in the learning process cannot make the atmosphere fluid, but more than that the demonstration method can train students' concentration by inviting students to see, study, and compare the theory they get with the real situation, therefore Indirect demonstration methods also train students to have the ability to analyze an incident.

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