
<p><span><em>The Problems in Credits and savings groups of ”kopsa” and “Melati” </em><span><em>1). System administration and financial management is very simple, 2) The low </em><span><em>productive business activities (entrepreneurship) members, 3) Not having a clear </em><span><em>institutional rules, 4). Persuasive communication skills owned by the board and </em><span><em>members are still low. </em></span></span></span></span></span><em>The method used to overcome these problems is the partner outreach, training </em><em>and consultation conducted consisting of a persuasive communications training, </em><em>administration and accounting in cooperative training, entrepreneurship training </em><em>and computer training and extension procedures for obtaining legal cooperation. </em><em>Participant training consists of officials from the each partner. </em><em>The result of this activity is the increase of knowledge, understanding and skills </em><em>of participants in the field of persuasive communication, administration and </em><em>accounting cooperatives, entrepreneurship and the use of computers to support the </em><em>operations of savings and loan it can be seen from the indicators: 1). completion of </em><em>the annual financial statements of each group covering Balance Sheet, SHU reports </em><em>and cash statements . 2) flow increased motivation to self-employed members marked </em><em>the emergence of several new businesses 3) completion of AD / ART as a basic rule </em><em>group 4) improved communication skills board and behavioral changes that gave </em><em>rise to productive attitude.</em></p>


  • The Problems in Credits and savings groups of ”kopsa” and “Melati” 1)

  • Persuasive communication skills owned by the board and members are still low

  • The method used to overcome these problems is the partner outreach, training and consultation conducted consisting of a persuasive communications training, administration and accounting in cooperative training, entrepreneurship training and computer training and extension procedures for obtaining legal cooperation

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Dalam usaha meningkatkan taraf dan kualitas hidup masyarakat pedesaan perlu digali cara-cara pengelolaan usaha yang paling sesuai ,salah satu potensi yang dapat dikembangakan adalah pembinaan kelompokkelompok masyarakat sebagai media peningkatan taraf dan kualitas hidup mereka. Mubyarto (1991) menyatakan bahwa kualitas manusia memang menjadi tujuan pembangunan dan kualitas tersebut yang di mengerti sebagai manusia yang mandiri dan bermanfaat, manusia yang lebih produktif, efisien dan bermoral. Keberadaan kelompok simpan pinjam di wilayah pedesaan harus dikembangkan dan terus dibina sehingga diharapkan bisa berkembang menjadi koperasi simpan pinjam. Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Adalah koperasi yang bergerak di bidang simpanan dan pinjaman. Di dalam koperasi selalu terdapat unsur-unsur sosial sekaligus unsur ekonomi. Walaupun kedua unsur tersebut berbeda, namun satu sama lainnya saling berkaitan menjadi satu kesatuan .(Rudianto,2006 :1)

Analisis situasi kelompok simpan pinjam “Melati”
Analisis situasi kelompok simpan pinjam Kopsa
Kelompok dan organisasi sebagai institusi masyarakat
Kelompok simpan pinjam sebagai embrio koperasi simpan pinjam
Akuntansi dan aktivitas Koperasi
Pelatihan kewirausahaan
Pelatihan Kewirausahaan
Penyuluhan tata cara pengesyahan Badan Hukum Koperasi
Pelatihan dan praktek komputer
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