
THE IMPROVEMENT OF COMMUNITY LEGAL AWARENESS IN SANGGRAHAN II, MUNTUK VILLAGE, DLINGO SUB DISTRICT, BANTUL DISTRICT, DIY PROVINCE. The formulation of the problem in the community service activities is how is the process of increasing legal awareness for the community in Sanggrahan II, Muntuk Village, Dlingo Sub District, Bantul District, DIY Province. The method used is counseling, training, focus group discussion, and mentoring. The activity was carried out with the participation of administrators, the Family Welfare Program group and the community. The results of this community service activity were that the process of increasing legal awareness for the community in Sanggrahan II, Muntuk Village, Dlingo Sub-District, Bantul District, DIY Provine was carried out with 3 (three) types of activities including: legal Comuncation on the legal awareness (neighbors and familylLaw), training for facilitator of the legal awareness and mentoring in resolving disputes in the community of Sanggrahan II, Muntuk Village, Dlingo Sub District, Bantul District, DIY Province.



  • The formulation of the problem in the community service activities is how is the process of increasing legal awareness for the community in Sanggrahan II, Muntuk Village, Dlingo Sub District, Bantul District, DIY Province

  • The activity was carried out with the participation of administrators, the Family Welfare Program group and the community. The results of this community service activity were that the process of increasing legal awareness for the community in Sanggrahan II, Muntuk Village, Dlingo SubDistrict, Bantul District, DIY Provine was carried out with 3 types of activities including: legal Comuncation on the legal awareness, training for facilitator of the legal awareness and mentoring in resolving disputes in the community of Sanggrahan II, Muntuk Village, Dlingo Sub District, Bantul District, DIY Province

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JURNAL PENGABDIAN PADA MASYARAKAT is published by LP3M of Universitas Mathla’ul Anwar Banten. Oleh karena itu agar terjadi keberlanjutan program dan kegiatan maka disusunlah usulan kegiatan kuliah kerja nyata pembelajaran pemberdayaan masyarakat (KKN PPM) ini dengan perumusan masalahnya adalah bagaimanakah proses peningkatan kesadaran hukum bagi masyarakat di Dusun Sanggrahan II, Desa Muntuk, Kecamatan Dlingo, Kabupaten Bantul. Langkah 3: penyusunan hasil diskusi dan pelaporan kegiatan pelatihan serta mempersiapakan acara pendampingan, sharing pengalaman penyelesaian sengketa kemasyarakatan yang dilakukan oleh perangkat desa, dusun maupun ibu-ibu PKK di Dusun Sanggrahan II, Desa Muntuk, Kecamatan Dlingo, Kabupaten Bantul. Kegiatan Pelatihan Bagi Fasilitator Kesadaran Hukum Bagi Masyarakat Langkah 3: penyusunan hasil diskusi dan pelaporan kegiatan pelatihan serta mempersiapakan acara pendampingan, sharing pengalaman penyelesaian sengketa kemasyarakatan yang dilakukan oleh perangkat dusun maupun ibu-ibu PKK di Dusun Sanggrahan II, Desa Muntuk, Kecamatan Dlingo, Kabupaten Bantul. Mengetengahkan Ada hukuman sanksi-sanksi apabila hukum negatif yang dilanggar berwujud (coercive)

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