
<span lang="EN-US">The success of teaching and learning activities can be known from the results of teacher performance in preparing character-based lesson plans and implementing them in the teaching and learning process in class. This school action research aims to see whether there is an increase in the ability of teachers in developing character-based lesson plans and their implementation in teaching and learning process. This research uses 2 cycles. The research procedure has four stages of activities</span><span lang="IN"> are</span><span lang="EN-US">, planning, action, observation and evaluation</span><span lang="IN">,</span><span lang="EN-US"> and reflecting. The study was conducted at SDN 07 Situjuah Gadang. The subject of the research is the class teacher and subject teacher, which totals 7 </span><span lang="IN">teachers.</span><span lang="EN-US"> Data processing using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques.</span><span lang="EN-US">Based on the results of data analysis that has been stated, that the data obtained from observing the ability of teachers to prepare character-based lesson plans in cycle I and cycle II there is an increase in the ability of teachers in preparing character-based lesson plans.</span>


  • PENDAHULUAN Dalam kebijakan pendidikan nasional, pemerintah telah merumuskan empat jenis kompetensi guru sebagaimana tercantum dalam Undang-undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen pasal 10 ayat 1 yaitu kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi kepribadian, kompetensi social dan kompetensi professional

  • Abstratc: The success of teaching and learning activities can be known from the results of teacher performance in preparing character-based lesson plans and implementing them in the teaching and learning process in class

  • This school action research aims to see whether there is an increase in the ability of teachers in developing character-based lesson plans and their implementation in teaching and learning process

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Guru PAI

Berdasarkan Tabel 1 tentang penilaian RPP berbasis karakter yang telah dibuat oleh guru, dapat diketahui bahwa pada saat awal Siklus I indikator pencapaian hasil dari setiap komponen RPP belum sesuai/tercapai seperti rencana/keinginan peneliti. - Untuk indikator 1 semua guru telah menguasai namun masih ada berapa orang guru harus ditinggkatakan hal ini dapat dipersentasekan yaitu 88,5% ketuntasannya. - Untuk Indikator 2 ada empat orang yang belum mengerti menyesuaikan materi pembelajaran dengan media pembelajaran serta strategi pembelajaran dalam hal baru 66,5% ketuntasannya. - Untuk indikator 3 masih ada empat orang yang belum mampu memilih sumber belajar sehingga materi pembelajaran cendrung hanya memakai buku paket peserta didik hal ini juga dapat dilihat ketuntasanya baru mencapai 66,5%. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian mengenai pelaksanaan pembelajaran dikelas pada Siklus I yang hasilnya sebagai berikut: Tabel 2.

Aspek Yang Dinilai
Guru Kelas V
RPP Berbasis Karakter Siklus II
PBM Siklus I PBM Siklus II
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