
Pandemi covid-19 memberikan dampak besar bagi usaha skala mikro, kecil, dan menengah. Kebijakan pembatasan sosial yang berskala besar akibat covid-19 berdampak pada turunnya aktivitas ekonomi, termasuk di bidang agribisnis. Strategi yang diterapkan untuk penguatan usaha di masa pandemi ini salah satunya adalah memperkuat kapasitas sumber daya manusia agar tetap bertahan dan berinovasi. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung peningkatan kapasitas sumber daya manusia (capacity building) dan pemasaran digital (digital marketing) terhadap peningkatan kinerja usaha agribisnis di masa pandemi covid-19 melalui mediasi modal intelektual (intellectual capital). Sampel penelitian ini mencakup 50 usaha agribisnis. Melalui penelitian ini akan diketahui pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung capacity building pada kinerja usaha agribisnis saat covid-19. Kata kunci: agribisnis, kinerja, modal intelektual, pemasaran digital, peningkatan kapasitas ABSTRACT The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on micro, small and medium scale businesses. The large-scale social restriction policy due to Covid-19 has had an impact on decreasing economic activity, including in the agribusiness sector. One of the strategies implemented to strengthen business during this pandemic is to strengthen the capacity of human resources to survive and innovate. This study aims to determine the direct and indirect effects of increasing the capacity of human resources and digital marketing on improving the performance of agribusiness businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic through the mediation of intellectual capital. The sample of this research includes 50 agribusiness enterprises. Through this research, it will be known the direct and indirect effects of capacity building on the performance of agribusiness during Covid-19. Keywords: agribusiness, capacity building, digital marketing, intellectual capital, performance

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