
<p>Tanah Regosol mempunyai kadar bahan organik dan N-total yang tergolong sangat rendah sehingga penggunaan pupuk organik dapat memperbaiki sifat fisik dan kimia tanah serta meningkatkan hasil umbi bawang merah. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk kandang kambing terhadap sifat kimia tanah Regosol dan hasil umbi bawang merah pada tanah tersebut. Percobaan pot dilakukan di rumah kaca di Kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran (BALITSA), Lembang, Jawa Barat pada bulan Maret – Juni 2015. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan tiga ulangan dan 11 perlakuan dosis pupuk kandang kambing. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk kandang kambing meningkatkan C-organik, N-Kjeldahl tanah Regosol, dan meningkatkan serapan hara N dan K. Aplikasi pupuk kandang kambing juga berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan, berat kering tanaman, hasil, dan kualitas umbi bawang merah. Dosis rekomendasi pupuk kandang kambing di tanah Regosol adalah 3–13, 5 t/ha dengan peningkatan bobot kering eskip sebesar 17-52% dari kontrol, tanpa pupuk kandang kambing. </p><p><strong>keywords</strong></p><p><em>Allium cepa</em>; Pupuk organik; Pemupukan; Hasil umbi</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>Regosol soil has a low content of organic and nitrogen percentage, therefore the application of organic materials will improve physical and chemical soil characteristics and increase shallot bulb yield. This research aimed to investigate the effect of goat manure on chemical soil properties and shallot bulb yield in regosol soil. The pot study was conducted at IVEGRI Experimental Field in Lembang, West Java, from March to June 2015. The treatments were set up in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replicates and 11 doses of goat manure as treatments. The result showed that goat manure application significantly improved C-organic and N-Kjeldahl of regosol and increased the N and K uptake. Goat manure application enhanced shallot growth, shallot dry weight, bulb yield, and bulb quality. The optimal dose of goat manure was 3 to 13,5 t ha-1 that increased eskip dry bulb yield by 17-52% than control, without goat manure.</p>

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