
The purpose of this study is to find out the fiqh learning process by applying the make a match method in class VII MTs Daarul Muttaqien and to find out the fiqh learning outcomes of class VII MTs Daarul Muttaqien students after the make a match method is applied. This research is a Class Action Research (PTK) conducted collaboratively with Fiqih teachers in Class VII MTs Daarul Muttaqien. This research was carried out in two cycles with pre-action or pre-cycle activities first carried out. The subjects of this study were 28 students of class VII B MTs Daarul Muttaqien. The data collection techniques used in this study were observations, interviews and learning outcomes tests. The collected data is then analyzed through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the fiqh learning process through the application of the make a match method went well and succeeded in increasing student activities when participating in learning. Meanwhile, student learning outcomes also experienced an increase as indicated by the increase in the number of students who experienced complete learning where in pre-action it was known that only 10 students completed learning (35.71%), increased to 20 students in cycle I (71.43%) and increased again to 25 students in cycle II (89.29%).

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