Penicillins and cephalosporins are synthesized by a series of enzymatic reactions that form the tripeptide delta-(L-alpha-aminoadipyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine and convert this tripeptide into the final penicillin or cephalosporin molecules. One of the enzymes, isopenicillin N synthase has been crystallyzed and its active center identified. The three genes pcbAB, pcbC and penDE involved in penicillin biosynthesis are clustered in Penicillium chrysogenum, Aspergillus nidulans and Penicillium nalgiovense. Carbon catabolite regulation of penicillin biosynthesis is exerted by glucose and other easily utilizable carbon sources but not by lactose. The glucose effect is enhanced by high phosphate concentrations. Glucose represses the biosynthesis of penicillin by preventing the formation of the penicillin biosynthesis enzymes. Transcription of the pcbAB, pcbC and penDE genes of P. chrysogenum is strongly repressed by glucose and the repression is not reversed by alkaline pHs. Carbon catabolite repression of penicillin biosynthesis in A. nidulans is not mediated by CreA and the same appears to be true in P. chrysogenum. The first two genes of the penicillin pathway (pcbAB and pcbC) are expressed from a bidirectional promoter region. Analysis of different DNA fragments of this bidirectional promoter region revealed two important DNA sequences (boxes A and B) for expression and glucose catabolite regulation of the pcbAB gene. Using protein extracts from mycelia grown under carbon catabolite repressing or derepressing conditions DNA-binding proteins that interact with the bidirectional promoter region were purified to near homogeneity.
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