
Internet users in the world, especially in Indonesia, continue to increase from year to year. The increase in internet users means activities online promotion needs to be considered, one of which is activities promotion conducted by MAN IC Sambas by optimizing the website manicsambas.sch.id. Online promotion conducted by MAN IC Sambas can be said to be very efficient because it can reach a wide audience, thus making it easy for people to get information easily and quickly. The purpose of this study was to describe the suitability of the MAN IC Sambas website for a user-friendly website and the role of the MAN IC Sambas website as a means of promotion. The method used by researchers in this study is a qualitative research method with a communication approach through textual analysis. The results showed that the MAN IC Sambas website, namely manicsambas.sch.id, was a user-friendly website. A user-friendly website is one that is friendly to users. The MAN IC Sambas website has met the criteria for a user-friendly website, namely a website name that is easy to remember and easily accessed by users, has an attractive appearance and does not hurt eyesight, does not make users feel confused, and can provide information that is easy to read and understand. Meanwhile, the role of the MAN IC Sambas website as a means of promotion is that it can be helpful and useful for visitors as a complete source of information and as an updated medium of information and promotions.

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