
<p><em>The ritual form of the use of wayang klupak tiying at the ceremony ngulapin implemented rikala there bad events, accidents or musih experienced by the people in the village Pakraman Jero Kuta. this ritual process begins from making a means of bebantenan and seek klupakan tiying which is used as means of wayang, time and place of ritual held where the event occurred or if someone is not aware where he experienced bad events, can ngacep from front lebuh yard, when the incident happened inside the yard of the house does not use the means of wayang klupak tiying, only using bebanten pras, penyeneng, tulung sayut.</em></p><p><em>The religious function of the ritual of wayang klupakan tiying in the ceremony of ngulapin has a very absolute function because the impact is directly felt or experienced by the people who run this ritual. While the puppet character of malen and merdah is symbolized kebiajksanaan, glory, and savior in understanding the philosophical meaning contained in these two puppet figures .</em><strong><em></em></strong></p><p><em>The axiology contained in the rituals of wayang klupak tiying in ceremonies ngulapin, has values that include ethics, aesthetics, and religious social. of that many life values taken and the demands contained in both puppet figures along with positive energies emitted during this ngulapin ceremony.</em><strong><em></em></strong></p>

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