
This study aims to determine the value of Return Cost Ratio, Benefit Cost Ratio, and Break Event Point of Super Village Chicken rearing, which was substituted with MOL from Snail at several levels. The research location is at Radja Unggul Ranch which is in the Jember State Polytechnic environment. Data collection method using interviews with farmers at Radja Unggul Ranch who maintain super free-range chickens. The data taken include fixed costs, variable costs, income, and length of maintenance. Data obtained were then analyzed by R/C Ratio, B/C Ratio, and BEP. The results of the study using the MOL from Snails in the maintenance of Kampung Super chickens showed that the R/C value > 1, the B/C value > 0, while the lowest BEP value in the feed treatment was Treatment 3 (P3) with a MOL of 15 ml/kg. The results of these calculations show that using MOL Snail substitute feed to maintain Super Kampung Chicken is profitable for farmers.

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