
The objective of this paper is to calculate of economic indices of broiler farms and analysis of the effects of grower’s literacy and experience on Benefit to Cost Ratio (BCR). Data was obtained from 44 growers using a face-to-face questionnaire method. Questionnaire was included the effects of literacy in three levels and experience in four levels, and also the calculation of BCR. The results indicated that a mean BCR, variable costs and total income were calculated as: 1.38, 3506.29 $/1000birds and 4995.49 $/1000birds, respectively. The ANOVA results indicated that the grower literacy had significant effect on BCR (P<0.01) and level 2 (diploma degree) had the highest BCR. The Growers’ experience had significant effect at 5% level and level 4 (more than 20 years experience) on the highest BCR, respectively. Growers with more experiences had an effective management with the costs involve and inputs were applied more properly.

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