
In general, the fertility rate of ex-mining tailings sand is very low, so plants to restore it must be fertilized with the right type and dosage. One type of plant that can be used for ex-mining land (tailings) is the Ketapang plant (Terminalia catappa L). The research objectives determine (1) the effect of the use of chicken manure fertilizer and urea dose on the growth of ketapang seedlings in the nursery and (2) the composition of chicken manure fertilizer with tailings and the dose of urea fertilizer for the growth of ketapang seedlings in the nursery. This research was carried out in Ketapang City by factorial completely randomized factorial design (RAL) method. The experimental treatment consisted of giving chicken manure and urea fertilizer to the tailings media. The first factor is chicken manure (T) tailing media without sand chicken manure (T0), 1: 1 (T1), 1: 2 (T2), and 1: 3 (T3). The second factor is the addition of urea fertilizer with a dose of 0 grams (P0), 0.5 g (P1), 1.0 g (P2), 1.5 (P3), and 2 g (P4). Each treatment combination was repeated 3 times so that in the experiment as many as 60 seeds were used. Data collected in the form of seedling height (cm), base diameter (mm), number of leaves (strands), and dry weight of seeds (g). The results showed that the treatment of chicken manure and urea fertilizer on ketapang seedlings on the tailings sand media in the nursery significantly affected the diameter and biomass growth (dry weight) of ketapang plant seeds (T. catappa L). The use of chicken manure fertilizer without urea fertilizer could increase height growth and the number of leaves. The composition by comparing one part of tailings sand with one, two, and three parts of chicken manure does not show a significantly different effect. This means that for the nursery of ketapang plants, it is sufficient to use the composition of one part tailing sand and one part chicken manure. Giving urea fertilizer without chicken manure has not been able to improve the growth of ketapang seedlings (T. catappa L).Keywords: chicken manure, ketapang plants, tailings Sand, urea fertilizer


  • PENDAHULUAN Umumnya sistem pertambangan di Indonesia menerapkan teknik penambangan permukaan

  • The results showed that the treatment of chicken manure and urea fertilizer on ketapang seedlings on the tailings sand media in the nursery significantly affected the diameter and biomass growth (dry weight) of ketapang plant seeds (T. catappa L)

  • Pengaruh berbagai Dosis dan Cara Aplikasi Pupuk Urea terhadap Produksi Tanaman Sawi (Brassica juncea L) pada tanah inceptisol Malerang

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Analisis keragaman terhadap pertambahan tinggi tanaman umur 3 bulan dikemukakan pada Tabel 1. Hasil analisis tersebut menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pemberian pupuk kotoran ayam berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap pertumbuhan tinggi bibit tanaman ketapang sampai umur tiga bulan. Sementara perlakuan pupuk Urea dan interaksinya dengan kotoran ayam tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata. Hasil analisis ragam pengaruh pupuk kotoran ayam dan urea terhadap tinggi bibit tanaman ketapang umur 3 bulan. Diameter Bibit Analisis keragaman pengaruh pemberian pupuk kotoran ayam dan urea terhadap diameter pangkal batang bibit ketapang disajikan pada Tabel 2. Hasil analisis keragaman menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk kotoran ayam berpengaruh sangat nyata. Sementara itu perlakuan pemberian pupuk urea tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan diameter bibit tanaman ketapang. Untuk mementukan perlakuan media dan interaksinya yang berpengaruh nyata, maka dilakukan uji lanjut Duncan dimana hasil uji tersebut tertera pada Gambar 2. Hasil analisis keragaman pengaruh pupuk kotoran ayam dan urea terhadap diameter ketapang umur 3 bulan

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