
Pasanggrahan Art and Cultural Village is a village-based agritourism combining natural tourism with cultural tourism, especially Sundanese culture. The agritourism, located in Ciporeat Hamlet, Pasanggrahan Village, is included in the Bandung City Culture and Tourism Office’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan, meaning that this tourist destination is already in the local government's development plan. Therefore, this study aims to offer alternatives to the development of agritourism based on the visitor perceptions in order to offer a development concept to the related stakeholders. The data was collected through distributing questionnaires to 50 respondents and conducting interviews with the residents and those who understood the agritourism. The analysis results indicate that the visitors’ bad perception clearly lies in the diversity of tourist attractions, souvenirs, places to eat, and roads within the destination. Therefore, this study focuses the alternative formulations or development efforts on the aspects of what to see, what to buy, what to do, what to arrive, dan what to stay.


  • Pasanggrahan Art and Cultural Village is a village-based agritourism combining natural tourism with cultural tourism, especially Sundanese culture

  • This study aims to offer alternatives to the development of agritourism based on the visitor perceptions in order to offer a development concept to the related stakeholders

  • The data was collected through distributing questionnaires to 50 respondents and conducting interviews with the residents and those who understood the agritourism

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Aktifitas masyarakat lokal Kebersihan kampung Keramahan warga

Berdasarkan Tabel 1, terlihat bahwa dari aspek keragaman daya tarik, pengunjung merasa kurang beragam. Hal ini dapat dipahami karena memang atraksi yang ditawarkan hanyalah pemandangan dan kesejukan alam (mayoritas persepsi baik) dan kegiatan seni budaya (mayoritas persepsi baik). Oleh karena itu diperlukan adanya usaha diversikasi produk agar atraksi menjadi semakin beragam. Untuk aktifitas seni dan budaya dipersepsikan dengan baik karena memang di agrowisata ini banyak dilangsungkan berbagai pertunjukan seni seperti festival syukuran lembur, pencak silat, dan lain-lain. Di lokasi ini juga terdapat saung-saung yang besar untuk menunjang aktifitas-aktifitas tersebut. Komponen atraksi ini didukung oleh kebersihan kampung dan keramahan warga yang mendapat persepsi positif. B) Amenitas Rekapitulasi persepsi wisatawan berdasarkan komponen amenitas dapat dilihat pada Tabel berikut.

Tempat ibadah
Transportasi menuju lokasi
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