
The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence the teacher's communication had in the learning process using the WhatsApp application on the learning activities of class X students on History material at State High School 4 Jambi City. This research is a descriptive quantitative study to determine the quality of learning by using the WhatsApp application in history learning at SMA Negeri 4 Jambi City. Based on the results of research that has been done regarding the use of the WhatsApp application in history learning at SMA Negeri 4 Jambi City. Based on the data from the questionnaire results, 36 students consisted of three indicators, each of which obtained a percentage of 75.10% classified as "Effective Enough" on the indicators of learning quality. While the other indicators are indicators of student readiness in participating in learning with a percentage of 72.44% in the "Effective Enough" category. Furthermore, the last one on the student time indicator with a percentage of 71.11% is classified in the "Effective Enough" category. So it can be concluded that the use of the whatsapp application in history learning at SMA N 4 Jambi City shows an average percentage of 72.83% of indicators classified as "Effective Enough.

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