
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) can be caused by unsafe sexual intercourse, the use of syringes or other sharp instruments contaminated with HIV, as well as through blood transfusion or transmission from HIV-positive pregnant women to infants. The duty and responsibility of the midwife as a health worker is to recommend an HIV test early in pregnancy. In addition, HIV testing is one way to protect infants from an early age so as not to catch the HIV virus that comes from mothers who have HIV. Through these tests, pregnant women determine the right decision to protect the health of the mother or potential child. Through the application "Safeguard Baby From HIV" is expected to help health workers in providing counseling to pregnant women. This study aims to developing of counseling media application "Safeguard Baby From HIV" on the behavior of pregnant women in screening for HIV tests. The research design uses Research and Development with the steps: a) the stage of gathering information; b) the planning stage; c) development stage; and d) validation and testing stages. The material in the application consists of: understanding HIV / AIDS, causes, prevalence, HIV / AIDS in pregnant women, HIV testing / testing, examination procedures, the benefits of testing, and management after HIV testing. Based on the validation of material experts and media experts, it can be seen the results of the material expert validation are 3.61 (good) and the results of the validation of media experts are 3.7 (good). Keywords: HIV Counseling Media, Safeguard Baby From HIV

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