
This research is aimed to (1) develop contextual-learning-based self-assessment components and instruments, (2) investigate the quality of the developed instruments. This development research applied the procedures developed by Borg & Gall. The validity of the instruments employed the content validity with Aiken’ V formula, while the reliability of the instruments employed Cronbach Alpha. The development of the instruments produces learning topics and assessment instruments along with the rubrics. The expert judgment shows that the products are categorized ‘Good’. The content validity is categorized ‘Valid’. The reliability of the instruments is categorized ‘Reliable’ with Cronbach Alpha > 0.7 and the instruments are practical.


  • This research aimed to (1) develop contextual-learning-based self-assessment components and instrumens, (2) investigate the quality of the developed instrumens

  • Hal tersebut seperti yang dikemukakan oleh Brown (Granello, 2000: 273) “when students angage in authentic activities-learning activities that approximate as closely as possible what occurs in the field-they advance cognitively and learn critical thinking and problem solving skills more effectively than trough traditional didactic classroom activities”

  • Instrumen penilaian sikap berupa angket penilaian diri berbasis pembelajaran kontekstual diharapkan dapat digunakan guru untuk mengukur sikap peserta didik

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This research aimed to (1) develop contextual-learning-based self-assessment components and instrumens, (2) investigate the quality of the developed instrumens. Kemudian angket respon guru dan peserta didik digunakan untuk mengetahui kepraktisan produk yang dikembangkan. Kisi-kisi penilaian ahli pada produk instrumen penialian sikap dengan angket penilaian diri berbasis pembelajaran kontekstual disajikan dalam tabel 1.

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