
One of the major obstacles in increasing the agricultural production yields is the inappropriate management of land use due to the differences of land biophysical characteristics in each region. Therefore, it is necessary to have spatial-based land use management that is appropriate in handling agricultural land. This research aims at structuring geospatial information of food land biophysical characteristics and food land appropriateness (potential and limiter) for food plants development in Pangkep Regency. This research uses the up-to-date approach of multi-scale observation, so the problems becoming the restricting factors of productivity can immediately be overcome. The method used consists of 2 stages, namely stage 1, analysis of food land (biophysical) climate and land characteristics through land survey, laboratory analysis, and land characteristic spatialization; stage 2, analysis of food land appropriateness (potential and limiter) using land appropriateness method of fuzzy set / FAO, satellite image information extraction, ground truth, and ground sampling. The results of the research are in the form of geospatial information of food land biophysical characteristics and food land appropriateness (potential and limiter) for food plants development in Pangkep Regency. With the information, decision makers will have more ease and they integrate in making policies for food land use management in Pangkep Regency that will end up aiming to increase food production. Keywords: geospatial information, food land, land biophysics, land appropriateness, management

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