
According to Law Number 14 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, lecturers are defined as professional educators and scholars whose primary responsibility is to transform, advance, and disseminate knowledge, technology, and the arts through education, research, and community service, often referred to as the Tri Dharma of Higher Education (Chapter 1, Article 1, paragraph 2). The assessment of lecturers' performance is deemed essential in the context of implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education to gauge the degree to which it is executed. In practice, lecturers are required to accrue credit points in line with the established standards specified in the operational guidelines for credit point assessment. Nevertheless, lecturers often encounter delays in the collection of these credit points, primarily due to the substantial amount of data used as assessment criteria and the manual creation of reports using Microsoft Excel. Consequently, this protracted process is responsible for the extensive time required for the preparation of Academic Qualification Credit Points (DUPAK) reports. To tackle this issue, the development of an Information System has been proposed to expedite and enhance the accuracy of data collection. The Information System is constructed using the prototype methodology, which encompasses three core phases: "Listening to Customer" to identify user requirements, "Building/Revising the Mock-Up" to develop the prototype, and "Testing the Mock-Up" to assess its compliance with user expectations. The system is coded using the PHP programming language, and the Laravel framework is employed to simplify the coding process. The system's functionality is rigorously tested using the Black Box Testing method with Equivalence Partitioning to ensure its reliability and accuracy. The outcome of this research is a Web-Based Lecturer Performance Evaluation Information System designed to streamline the DUPAK report creation process for lecturers, making it more efficient and precise.

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