
Social media has become a trend for Indonesian people to express opinions, socialize, and exchange ideas. Internet users in Indonesia in 2021 will reach 202.6 million, 84% of whom use the internet to access social media. Twitter is one of the popular social media in Indonesia. This phenomenon is an opportunity for companies to use Twitter as a marketing tool, one of which is a marketplace company in Indonesia, Tokopedia. This research is intended to cluster tweets uploaded by the @tokopedia Twitter account to find out the type of content that gets a lot of likes and retweets by followers of the @tokopedia Twitter account. Cluster formation is done by applying the Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise algorithm (DBSCAN). DBSCAN is a clustering algorithm based on density. The DBSCAN algorithm requires two parameters, namely the radius (Eps) and the minimum number of objects to form a cluster (MinObj). This research conducted several experiments with different Eps and MinObj parameters on 1.344 tweets that had gone through the stages of removing duplication, text preprocessing, and feature selection. The quality of the cluster formed is measured using the Silhouette Coefficient. Based on the highest average Silhouette Coefficient, the parameter values of Eps=5 and MinObj=3 with Silhouette Coefficient = 0.575 are determined as the best parameters that produce 2 clusters and 7 noise. The type of content that has the highest average number of likes and retweets is the WIB (Indonesian Shopping Time) campaign, so Tokopedia can use this type of content as a marketing tool on Twitter social media because this type of content is preferred by followers of the @tokopedia Twitter account. Keywords: Twitter, Tokopedia, Clustering, DBSCAN, Silhouette Coefficient

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