
PAUD institutions are often interpreted as a place of learning for children who are only oriented to the skills and knowledge of reading, writing, counting, and drawing. PAUD institutions should focus on children's development related to religious and moral, physical, cognitive, language, social, emotional and artistic aspects. Thus the educational services provided by PAUD institutions must be able to facilitate all aspects of child development through enjoyable learning activities and help increase understanding of parents or the surrounding community about playing as a fun learning activity. Fun learning activities for early childhood need to be designed to help children get real life simulations in their daily activities. PAUD institution learning activities need to be adjusted to the stages of child development based on experiential learning model learning principles. On that basis, an activity is needed that facilitates the creation of learning experiences for managers and parents or community members in PAUD institutions about experiential learning.Keywords: Childhood Education (PAUD), Experiential Learning


  • Masa kanak-kanak merupakan fase penting bagi perkembangan anak-anak

  • PAUD institutions are often interpreted as a place

  • for children who are only oriented to the skills and knowledge of reading

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Pembelajaran dengan model experiential learning mulai diperkenalkan pada tahun 1984 oleh David Kolb dalam bukunya yang berjudul “Experiential learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development”. Menurut Kolb (2014) experiential learning adalah proses bagaimana pengetahuan diciptakan melalui perubahan bentuk pengalaman. Sharlanova (2004) mendefinisikan experiential learning sebagai proses belajar, proses perubahan yang menggunakan pengalaman sebagai media belajar atau pembelajaran. Hal ini dikarenakan dalam proses belajar tersebut siswa secara aktif berpikir tentang apa yang dipelajari dan kemudian bagaimana menerapkan apa yang telah dipelajari dalam situasi nyata Mahfudin (dalam Sholihah, Utaya, & Susilo, 2016) mendefinisikan experiential learning sebagai model pembelajaran yang diharapkan dapat menciptakan proses belajar yang lebih bermakna, dimana murid mengalami apa yang mereka pelajari. Murid tidak hanya belajar tentang konsep materi belaka karena dalam hal ini murid dilibatkan secara langsung dalam proses pembelajaran untuk dijadikan suatu pengalaman. Model pembelajaran experiential learning menekankan pada dua aspek yang saling berkaitan secara dialektik, yaitu grasping experience (memperoleh pengalaman), dan transforming experience (mentransformasi pengalaman).

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