In conventional curly lettuce cultivation there are several obstacles such as altitude, temperature, humidity, nutrient availability and light intensity that caused lettuce can not grow optimally. Indoor cultivation is one way to overcome problems that occurred in conventional cultivation, one of which is the intensity of light that is not suitable for the growth of lettuce plants. This study aims to determine the optimal LED electrical power and the effect of white LED lights and grow light on growth of lettuce plants with floating raft hydroponic cultivation system. This research has been carried out at Satya Wacana Christian University’s Faculty of Agriculture and Business seed laboratory. The study used a randomized block design with six treatments: 100 watt grow light; 200 watt grow light; 300 watt grow light; 100 watt white light; 200 watt white light; 300 watt white light, which will be repeated four times. Parameters to be measured include the number of leaves, canopy diameter, crown wet weight, root wet weight, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and leaf area. Light intensity treatment carried out with a box with a size of 1x1 m placed in a dark room. The results showed that the 300 watt grow light treatment gave the best results, with canopy diameter (45.10 cm), number of leaves (18.25 strands), canopy wet weight (225,967 g), heavy dry canopy weight (9.90 g), canopy dry weight (4.75 g), and leaf area 6195,378 (mm).
Dalam budidaya selada kriting secara konvensional terdapat beberapa kendala seperti ketinggian tempat, suhu, kelembapan, ketersediaan unsur hara dan intesitas cahaya sehingga menyebabkan pertumbuhan tanaman selada tidak dapat tumbuh maksimal
This study aims to determine the optimal LED electrical power and the effect of white LED lights and grow light on growth of lettuce plants with floating raft hydroponic cultivation system
The results showed that the 300 watt grow light treatment gave the best results, with canopy diameter (45.10 cm), number of leaves (18.25 strands), canopy wet weight (225,967 g), heavy dry canopy weight (9.90 g), canopy dry weight (4.75 g), and leaf area 6195,378 (mm)
Penelitian ini telah dilakukan di laboratorium benih Fakultas Pertanian dan Bisnis Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan pada bulan April hingga bulan Agustus 2019. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan enam perlakuan dan masing-masing diulang sebanyak empat kali. Perlakuan yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa, warna cahaya dan tingkat intesitas cahaya yang dibagi menjadi enam perlakuan yaitu perlakuan sumber cahaya lampu LED grow light 100 watt, LED grow light 200 watt, LED grow light 300 watt, LED warna putih 100 watt, LED warna putih 200 watt, LED warna putih 300 watt. (Limantara dan Heriyanto 2010) dan luas daun dengan menggunakan software iDaun dengan cara mendigitasi pada tepi daun. Data hasil pengujian kemudian dianalisis dengan analisis sidik ragam satu arah (One Way Analysis of Varians) menggunakan program SAS 9.2. Uji posterior Beda Nyata Jujur (BNJ) kepercayaan 95% dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan antar perlakuan
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