
Tanihub is a market place that specifically sells agricultural products. the aim is to break the distribution chain so that consumers can buy food at low prices and farmers still get huge profits. Currently access and market networks are the main problems faced by the majority of farmers in Indonesia in selling agricultural products. Narrow marketing knowledge and low innovation towards modern agriculture have caused farming to be unprofitable. As a result, farmers live in poverty and farming is increasingly abandoned by the younger generation. this if left in the long run will be a threat to food security. Because in the future food is predicted to have a dual role as a source of food and energy raw materials. The purpose of this study was to analyze how the influence of Wages, Land Ownership, Prestige and Tanihub on the interest of generation Y farming in strengthening food security. The sample in this study were 94 members of HMI branch Ciputat. The analysis used in this study is descriptive statistics and ordinal logistic regression analysis. The results of the study revealed that as many as 54 people were interested in developing digital-based agriculture. The results of ordinal logistic regression analysis are known that Tanihub, Prestige and Land Ownership have a significant effect on the interest in farming. Whereas wages do not have a significant effect on the interest of generation Y farming.

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