
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Return on Equity (ROE), Debt to Earning Ratio (DER), Price to Earning Ratio (PER), and Exchange Rate Against Stock Returns. This research was conducted on all Property and Real Estate companies listed on the IDX. The number of samples taken was 36 companies using saturated sampling techniques. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis techniques. Based on the results of the analysis it was found that ROE had a positive and significant effect on stock returns. DER has a negative and significant effect on stock returns, PER has a significant negative effect on stock returns. The exchange rate has a negative effect and is not significant to stock returns. Investors and other interested parties are expected to pay attention to changes to ROE, DER, and PER because they have an influence on stock returns, which will later consider investment strategy decisions to minimize risks and maximize returns obtained.
 Keywords: fundamental analysis, stock returns


  • The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Return on Equity

  • This research was conducted on all Property

  • Real Estate companies listed on the IDX

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Hasil dan pembahasan pada penelitian ini berupada analisis data deskriptif dilakukan untuk memberikan gambaran atau deskripsi mengenai variabel yang diteliti dimana terdiri dari Return on Equity (X1), Debt to Equity Ratio (X2), Price.

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