
INFLUENCES OF PROFITABILIT Y , FIRM SIZE, B U S SI N E S RISK, ASSET GROWTH, LEVERAGE, DIVIDEN D POLICYTO INSTITUTIONAL OWNERSHIP (Property & Real Estate Company Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Year 2011-2014). The aims of t his research i s to examine the effect of propitability , firm size, b u s si n es ris k , asset growth, leverage , dividen policy as the independen variable and institutional ownership as the dependen variable (studyat Real Estate and Property Company Lisy t ing in Indonesian Stock Exchange since 20 11 until 20 14). The population in this study are 23 Real Estate and Property companies listed on the I ndonesian Stock Exchange from 20 11 until 20 14. The sample in this study is Real Estate and Property company according to the criteria established. Regression analysis was performed with b ased on the results of data panel analysis this study concludes some of the following: (1) Variable propitability proven to negative and significan the institutional ownership , ( 2) Variable firm size proven to negative and significan the institutional ownership , (3) Variable business risk proven to negative and significan the institutional ownership , (4) Variable asset growth proven to positive and significan the institutional ownership , (5) Variable leverage proven to positive and significan the institutional ownership , (6) Variable dividend policy proven to negative and significan the institutional ownership , Key words: propitability, firm size, bussines risk, asset growth, leverage, D ividen policy, insitutisional ownership.

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