
This research is a quantitative research, data collection was done by collecting primary and secondary data sources. The sample of this study was 89 respondents using random sampling from a total of 382 students of SMP Manba'ul Ulum, West Jakarta. The coefficient of reliability test results for moral education is 0.907, the results of the reliability test for the Social Competence of Teachers are 0.912, and the results of the reliability test for character building are 0.915. Hypothesis using inferential test. The results showed that improving moral education at SMP Manba'ul Ulum was carried out by: routine activities, spontaneous activities, exemplary, conditioning, integration of moral values in every subject, culture as if, and involving all components in school to improve character building students by way of introduction, understanding, exemplary and habituation. In order for the social competence of teachers to be better, it must be improved by training, seminars, reading literacy books regarding teacher competence and further studies.


  • Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan sumber data primer dan skunder

  • The results showed that improving moral education at SMP Manba'ul Ulum was carried out by: routine activities, spontaneous activities, exemplary, conditioning, integration of moral values in every subject, culture as if, and involving all components in school to improve character building students by way of introduction, understanding, exemplary and habituation

  • In order for the social competence of teachers to be better, it must be improved by training, seminars, reading literacy books regarding teacher competence and further studies

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3. Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan Pendidikan Moral dan Kompetensi Sosial Guru secara bersama-sama terhadap Pembentukan Karakter siswa di SMP Manba’ul Ulum Jakarta Barat. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan besarnya pengaruh koefisien determinasi (Ry1.2) sebesar 0,842 dan koefisisen determinasi R2 (R Square) sebesar 0,709 dan analisis regresi ganda yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama, menunjukkan persamaan regresi Ý = 13,666 + 0,817 X1 + 0,137 X2 yang berarti bahwa setiap satu unit peningkatan pendidikan moral dan kompetensi sosial guru akan mempengaruhi peningkatan skor pembentukan karakter siswa sebesar 0,954. Hasil penelitian menunjukkm bahwa untuk meningkatkan Penanaman nilai moral di SMP Manba’ul Ulum dilakukan dengan cara: Kegiatan rutin, Kegiatan Spontan, Keteladanan, Pengkondisian, Pengintegrasian nilai moral dalam setiap mata pelajaran,budaya seolah, dan melibatkan semua komponen yang ada di sekolah (kepala sekolah, guru dan karyawan).Untuk meningkatkan pembentukan karakter siswa dengan cara Pengenalan, pemahaman, keteladanan dan pembiasaan. Kompetensi sosial guru di SMP Manba’ul Ulum Jakarta Barat, agar kompetensi sosial guru lebih baik, harus ditingkatkan dengan pelatihan, seminar, membaca buku-buku literasi berkenaan dengan kompetensi guru dan studi lanjutan

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