
Lack of self-care independence is a phenomenon that appears on an outpatient at the sumberglagah hospital, Mojokerto. Most of the patients have less independence in self-care efforts in leprosy, causing a faster rate of patients to the disability process. The data explained that the demonstration method can improve self-care independence. This research was aimed to analyze the influence of health education with demonstration method in self care independent for disability 2nd grade of leprosy. Design used in this research was quasy experimental pre post test designed. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Samples were taken from those suitable with inclusion criteria, with total samples were 16 people. The independent variable was intervention of health education with demonstration method and the dependent variable was self care independence on leprosy measured by questioner and observation instrument of independence. Data were analyzed by Wilcoxon signed rank test and Mann Whitney test significance a < 0,05. Result showed that treatment group has significance level p=0.016 and control group has significance level p=0.102 and the result of Mann whitney test showed p 0.001. This study describes the demonstration method can improve the level of self-care independence of disabled leprosy patients in 2nd grade. Demonstration method can help leprosy patients in terms of habit and routine care for themselves independently, to prevent further disability. This method can also be offered at the hospital sumberglagah to keep providing health education demonstration method in outpatient leprosy patients. It can also be a solution to decrease amount of disabled leprosy patients in Indonesia.


  • PENDAHULUAN Kusta adalah penyakit tertua yang dikenal manusia

  • The data explained that the demonstration method can improve self-care independence

  • This research was aimed to analyze the influence of health education with demonstration method in self care independent for disability 2nd grade of leprosy

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Pendidika Tidak

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kemandirian sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi dengan demonstrasi cara perawatan diri pada kusta. PEMBAHASAN Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan dengan menggunakan kuesioner, ditemukan mayoritas pasien kusta masih memiliki pengetahuan kurang yang disertai kurangnya kemandirian dalam hal perawatan diri. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan terhadap kemandirian, maka dilakukan penelitian pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode demonstrasi terhadap kemandirian perawatan diri pada pasien kusta cacat tingkat II di Rumah Sakit Sumberglagah, Mojokerto. Sebelum intervensi dilakukan terdapat 7 pasien (87,5%) pada kelompok perlakuan dan 7 pasien (87,5%) pada kelompok kontrol memiliki kemandirian perawatan diri yang kurang. Hal ini terjadi karena pola kerja dalam budaya Nepal umumnya wanita menggunakan tangan dan kaki lebih sering daripada laki-laki untuk beraktivitas sehari-hari. Tabel Wilcoxon dan Mann Whitney kemandirian perawatan diri sebelum dan sesudah diberikan intervensi pendidikan kesehatan metode demonstrasi

Mann Whitney Test α
Pendidikan kesehatan adalah sejumlah
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