
Knowledge and attitude are the main factors which influence a mother’s decision in the practice of exclusive breastfeeding. Health education with brainstorming method affect all three factors that form the behavior, which are predisposing factor, enabling factor, and reinforcing factor; including the knowledge and attitude. The goal of this research was to analyze the effect of health education with brainstorming method in an attempt to increase the mother’s knowledge and attitude on exclusive breastfeeding. This research used the pre-experimental research design (one group pre-post-test design). The population in this research was the mothers of 0-<6-month-old babies. The data was analyzed by using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test withα= 0.05 significance level. The study was conducted in the working area of Puskesmas Tulungagung. A total sample of 16 respondents was taken according purposive sampling. The statistic test result was indicating the brainstorming method effect on mother’s knowledge (p= 0.005) and attitude (p= 0.025). This research shows that the intervention of health education with brainstorming method has significant effect on increasing the mother’s knowledge and attitude on exclusive breastfeeding. This research shows that the intervention of health education with brainstorming method has significant effect on increasing the mother’s knowledge and attitude on exclusive breastfeeding.

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