
 Background : Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. According to World Health Organization Report (WHO), TB was ranked as the tenth highest cause of death in the world at 2016. During therapy, patients with active TB for category I were given Isoniazid, Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide and Ethambutol for 2 months which is the intensive phase and 4 months for continuation phase. Various studies have showed intensive administration of Anti Tuberculosis Drugs (ATD) have a relationship with hemoglobin levels either increasing or decreasing hemoglobin levels in tuberculosis patients.
 Objective : To find out the effect of ATD on hemoglobin levels in tuberculosis patients during the intensive phase of TB treatment in Kupang City
 Methods : This study was an interventional study using the Quasy-Experimental One Group Pretest and Post Test research design to determine effect of ATD on hemoglobin levels in tuberculosis patients during the intensive phase of TB treatment conducted in 11 Primary Health Care in Kupang City by taking capillary blood to measured hemoglobin level. The sampling technique used consecutive sampling and the sample size is 48 people of lung tuberculosis patients. The study was analyzed univariately and bivariately using paired-t test.
 Results : The results of data analysis of changes in hemoglobin levels before and after administration intensive phase of ATD showed significance value of p = 0.003 (p <0.05) with mean of ΔHb 0.88 gr/dl.
 Conclusion : There is an effect of administration intensive phase of anti-tuberculosis therapy to hemoglobin levels in tuberculosis patients in Kupang City

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