Human resources have a very important role in an agency, for that in order for the agency to achieve goals as expected, high employee motivation is needed. Generating a high employee motivation is not easy to implement. Therefore, employees should be given appropriate incentives so that the desired employee motivation can be achieved. The provision of incentives can be done by providing annual bonuses, employee welfare, and promotions. As for the main problem with this research is "does the provision of incentives affect the work motivation of employees at the Office of the Education Quality Assurance Institute (LPMP) Bandar Lampung?" In line with the main problem, the authors propose the hypothesis "There is a positive influence between the provision of incentives on employee motivation at the Office of the Education Quality Assurance Institution (LPMP) Bandar Lampung". In the research that the author did, the research variable was the provision of incentives as the independent variable (X) while employee motivation as the dependent variable (Y). Furthermore, the proposed sample is 26 employees which is 25% of the total population, namely 105 employees. The type of research in this writing is qualitative and quantitative research with the method used is to collect data by means of surveys or field research. While the data collection techniques by means of observation, documentation, interviews and questionnaires. Then to test the hypothesis using qualitative and quantitative analysis which is the type of this writing, with statistical formulas. Quantitative analysis using the product moment formula and obtained: rxy product moment = 0.714. Confused with the level of evenness of the 2 variables being at a high level of closeness, it means that the incentive distribution has a very high relationship with employee performance. To find out the effect of giving incentives on employees' work motivation, using a determinant coefficient with a result of 51%, while other factors 49% were not examined including leadership style, office layout, atmosphere (work climate) of employees. Keywords: incentives, work motivation, Education Quality Assurance Institute
Human resources have a very important role in an agency, for that in order for the agency to achieve goals as expected, high employee motivation is needed
The provision of incentives can be done by providing annual bonuses
There is a positive influence between the provision of incentives
Insentif yang bersifat negatif dalam arti tanggapan atau reaksi yang melarang dan menghalanghalangi serta menghambat atau sejenisnya yang lain, sebagaimana misalnya: tegoran, hukuman-hukuman, pemecatan atau penghapusan hak-hak istimewa dan sebagainya. Jadi jelaslah bahwa bentuk-bentuk insentif ada yang berbentuk positif dan negatif, dimana kedua bentuk insentif tersebut merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak yang bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan. Suatu kekuatan kerja sama yang luar biasa jika dibandingkan dengan kekuatan sejumlah orang yang lebih banyak tetapi tidak terorganisir. Viteles (1955:76) juga mengatakan bahwa insentif adalah keadaan yang membangkitkan kekuatan dinamis manusia atau persiapan-persiapan dari pada kekuatan dinamis manusia atau persiapan-persiapan dari pada keadaan yang mengantarkan dengan harapan dapat mempengaruhi atau merubah sikap/tingkah laku manusia. Untuk dapat semakin meningkatkan kemauan kerja pegawai sehingga semangat dan kegairahan kerja di segala bidang dan tugas berjalan dengan lancar. 2. Bagi pegawai, untuk dapat semakin memacu pegawai ke arah berpola gerak dan bertindak laku yang sesuai dengan kehendak pimpinan dalam rangka usaha mencapai tujuan kerja sama yang telah ditetapkan perusahaan, disamping itu untuk mewujudkan kemudahan dalam pelaksanaan tugas. Secara rinci rumusan tujuan insentif adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Untuk mengubah perilaku pegawai sesuai dengan keinginan pimpinan
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