
Dysentery caused by bacteria (bacillary dysentery) or shigellosis caused by bacteria of the genus Shigella (dysentery causes most important and most common). Antimicrobial resistance of Shigella strains associated with the use of antimicrobials in general in the population. Frangipani plants (Plumeria rubra) which is an ornamental plant. However, frangipani plants have been used as a medicine since ancient times, especially in the islands of the Pacific, East Asia, and Polynesia. Efficacy frangipani medically proven yet, but empirically been widely used as medicine.
 Methodology. Laboratory experimental studies using post test only control group design. The method used in this research is the well diffusion method by using the difference in treatment doses. With four concentrations: 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 100% and Tetracycline with a dose of 50 mg as a positive control and Aquadest as a negative control. With four repetitions according federer formula.
 Results. Kruskal-Wallis statistical tests, showed a significance of 0.000. If α = 5%, then H0 (for α> significance). It can be concluded Flower Extract Cambodia (Plumeria rubra L.) has an influence on the growth of bacteria Shigella dysenteriae. Proceed with the Mann-Whitney test with the results of there is difference Inhibition Zone Diameter in each dose and control of Frangipani flower extracts, except at doses of 12.5% ​​and control (-). Where the value of significance is 1.000 with α = 5%, then (α <significance) and H0 be accepted, which means there is no difference between the bacteria Inhibition Zone Diameter extract of frangipani (Plumeria rubra L.) with a dose of 12.5% ​​and a negative control

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